positive change

We create waves of growth, competitiveness, and attractiveness in Norrköping with entrepreneurship, research-driven solutions, and societal impact at heart.

Norrköping Science Park

creates opportunites for those who want to start, develop or establish a business in the municipality of Norrköping. Thanks to our wide network, we can make sure to connect companies and individuals.

Our focus is primarily in visualization and simulation, printed electronics and effective logistics, helping both startups and more established companies.

At the beginning of 2021, we sat down and discussed how we should formulate our offer to our target groups; students, researchers, companies and the public sector. We knew what it would contain but could we collect it under one name? We landed in “Innovation Partner”.

What does this mean then? If we start by breaking the word down into two parts, it becomes quite clear. We are your partner when it comes to innovation, especially in our profile areas. When you are looking for new solutions to your challenges, we are there for you.

We are constantly monitoring what is happening in our surroundings, initiating projects and creating meetings between people. We want to maximize the opportunities for companies and the public sector to use innovations close to research to create sustainable growth, competitiveness and jobs. As an innovation partner, we raise the innovation culture in Norrköping.

Norrköping Science Park cooperates closely with the research and Linköping University to further advance the region’s outstanding position in the visualization field as well as in printed and organic electronics and effective logistics. In Norrköping there are also university programs that directly and indirectly connect with the research within our profile areas. At LiU Campus Norrköping there are civil and college engineering courses in fields such as building engineering and graphic design. The design and content of the courses are developed in close collaboration with the research environments and the business community. University students are a strong source for new startups and fast-growing companies in the region.

Linköping University and the research institute Acreo have conducted research in Printed Electronics since the 1980s. Today PEA, Printed Electronics Arena, in the middle of Norrköping Science Park is one of the leading research organizations in the world of printed electronics. In addition to its own research and development projects, PEA offer a research and development arena for those companies that want to integrate printed electronics.

In recent years, Norrköping has established a very strong position in the field of visualization, where research has taken a position in an international context. Today, more than 270 researchers and PhD students work at the two institutions, the Department of Technology and Natural Sciences (ITN) and the Department of Media Technology (MIT), led by Professor Anders Ynnerman. The research team is working on the visualization technologies of the future in order to convey large amounts of information in new, innovative ways. At Visualization Center C, some of the future interactive visualization solutions developed by university researchers, such as the interactive autopsy table and Urban Explorer, are featured.

Smart specialization strategy.

The five strength areas of Östergötland provide good opportunities for increased competitiveness and international growth potential such as capacity to contribute to regional growth.

The strategy creates the preconditions for realisation of smart regional policy, which in turn contributes to smart growth in the EU’s member countries. Smart specialisation is a method and a way of working to prioritise projects that strengthen SMEs and thus the region’s competitiveness. Real competitiveness leads to an increased power of attraction, which is an effective short cut to growth.

Östergötland has its own strategy for smart specialisation that is based on an in-depth analysis of regional assets in the fields of technology and knowledge, such as strong partnership between SMEs, academia and public organisation.

Norrköping Science Park works primarily in Effective Logistics, Simulation and Visualization and Advanced materials.

The five strength areas of Östergötland

  • Effective logistics

  • Business models and arenas for sustainable systems solutions

  • Smart, robust and secure connected products and systems

  • Stimulation and visualization

  • Advanced materials

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