positive change

We create waves of growth, competitiveness, and attractiveness in Norrköping with entrepreneurship, research-driven solutions, and societal impact at heart.

Inspiration Days for Printed Electronics

September 11-12, we co-organize a lunch-to-lunch conference in Norrköping focused on one of our profile areas: Printed Electronics!


Norrköping Science Park initiates, runs or participates in various projects linked to our profile areas. Look closer!


Through our events we want to educate, inspire and connect people and actors. Which do you sign up for?


  • In 2012, the company Significant Bit was founded in Norrköping by two brothers who had previously worked as developers at a large B2B agency. Since then, the innovative company, now known as the slightly shorter SigBit, has grown steadily and has now developed Orbit, a tool that revolutionizes how organizations visualize and interact with their data.

    29 Aug 2024

  • Norrköping has recently been the focus of an extensive data collection project utilizing advanced technologies. The data, collected by various entities, will play a central role in developing digital twins of our cities, enabling improved urban planning and research across multiple fields.

    28 Aug 2024

  • Vi är just nu i full gång med att genomföra en studie på uppdrag av Energimyndigheten med målet att främja internationaliseringen av svenska tillväxtbolag inom logistik och transport. Vårt fokus ligger på att förstå bolagens behov och utmaningar för att hjälpa dem expandera globalt. Vi söker efter företag inom sektorn som kan bidra till och dra nytta av en omfattande kartläggning av den hållbara logistikvärdekedjan i Sverige.

    22 Aug 2024

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