Ligna Energy & Ynvisible Production granted major funding from Swedish innovation agency Vinnova
Ligna Energy and their partner Ynvisible Production have been granted 11.5 MSEK from the Vinnova project ”Scaling up for a sustainable industry in 2023”.
DP Patterning är ett teknikbolag med bas i Norrköping som utvecklat en världsunik maskin för tillverkning av flexibla kretskort. Det börsnoterade investmentbolaget Byggmästaren har insett potentialen i den banbrytande produkten och investerar initialt 25 miljoner kronor.
2 Dec 2024
Norrköping Science Park, NOSP, proudly announces the launch of the Innovate Electrochemistry (IEL) project, a novel innovation lab and ecosystem dedicated to supporting young deep-tech companies by providing world-class R&D capabilities in electrochemical flow systems. This initiative, a collaboration between Linköping University and Redoxme AB, builds upon the successful Knut-Alice Wallenberg-funded WIRA-SET project.
2 Oct 2024