Meet iMatrics: The Spin-Off Transforming Text with AI-Powered Analytics
Meet iMatrics, a spin-off from Linköping University that’s changing the game in text and data analytics. As the first Swedish company in our Scaleup Launchpad program, iMatrics helps publishers build sustainable digital business models with the help of AI. With expertise in Applied Mathematics, AI, and Machine Learning, they're now looking to expand into the Finnish and Estonian markets. Their unique ability to analyze text in any language makes them stand out, and they’re excited to grow their network and business through the program.
Find the full article on our Scaleup Launchpad web:
Vi är stolta att meddela att projektet "Halvledare – en svensk värdekedja", där Norrköping Science Park är en av partnerna, har beviljats omfattande stöd från Tillväxtverket och Region Östergötland genom utlysningen "Stärk ekosystemet för halvledare". Detta representerar ett betydande steg för att positionera Sverige som en ledande aktör inom halvledarteknologi och bidra till en hållbar industriell utveckling. (This text will follow in english)
18 Dec 2024
Are you ready to expand your business into one of the world’s most dynamic markets? From April 7th to 11th, 2025, Norrköping Science Park is organizing an exciting business delegation to São Paulo, Brazil—tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Sweden located in the Central Baltic area*.
3 Dec 2024