New discovery paves the way for organic electronics
It is possible that future electronics will be composed entirely of organic materials that can conduct electricity. But producing stable materials has been a challenge for researchers. Wallenberg Academy Fellow Simone Fabiano has stumbled upon a completely novel approach – more or less by chance.
DP Patterning är ett teknikbolag med bas i Norrköping som utvecklat en världsunik maskin för tillverkning av flexibla kretskort. Det börsnoterade investmentbolaget Byggmästaren har insett potentialen i den banbrytande produkten och investerar initialt 25 miljoner kronor.
2 Dec 2024
Norrköping Science Park, NOSP, proudly announces the launch of the Innovate Electrochemistry (IEL) project, a novel innovation lab and ecosystem dedicated to supporting young deep-tech companies by providing world-class R&D capabilities in electrochemical flow systems. This initiative, a collaboration between Linköping University and Redoxme AB, builds upon the successful Knut-Alice Wallenberg-funded WIRA-SET project.
2 Oct 2024