Norrköping Tech Award is back – nominate a Tech Changemaker today!
Norrköping Tech Award is presented to a company or organization whose solution combines technical depth with a positive impact on society. The award's goal is to celebrate technological achievements in Norrköping that make a difference. And now, it’s time again!
Norrköping Tech Award welcomes applications from companies and organizations of all sizes and stages, regardless of their industry. To participate, the company or organization must be based in Norrköping and have a strong technical component in its solution that positively impacts society.
The submission period is open from January 6 to February 27, and you can nominate your own company, organization, or another deserving candidate.
To learn more about what we’re looking for and to submit your nomination, click here.
The purpose of the network is to create a platform for technology-driven companies in Norrköping to collaborate on shared opportunities and challenges. Norrköping Tech Award is an example of an initiative that has developed through the network.
Jessica Sandin
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