
  • Let us introduce, not the kings of the forest, but rather the kings of API - 46elks. The scale-up company that is making communication simpler for businesses with their powerful API, allowing seamless integration of SMS, calls, and voice services into any system. As one of the Swedish companies in the Scaleup Launchpad program, 46elks is set to expand into new markets, bringing its flexible, developer-friendly platform to Finland and Estonia.

    10 Oct 2024

  • Norrköping Science Park, NOSP, proudly announces the launch of the Innovate Electrochemistry (IEL) project, a novel innovation lab and ecosystem dedicated to supporting young deep-tech companies by providing world-class R&D capabilities in electrochemical flow systems. This initiative, a collaboration between Linköping University and Redoxme AB, builds upon the successful Knut-Alice Wallenberg-funded WIRA-SET project.

    2 Oct 2024

  • Den 26 september möttes investerare och företag i teknikens framkant under premiären av ett nytt investerarnätverk i Norrköping. Syftet med nätverket är att lyfta fram Norrköpings starka innovationsmiljö och attrahera kapital till lokala företag med tillväxtpotential.

    1 Oct 2024

  • Last week, the inspiration days for the future production method in electronics—printed electronics—took place. During a lunch-to-lunch conference, 80 participants from across Sweden gathered in the industrial landscape of Norrköping and the premises of Norrköping Science Park. Among the participants were researchers, startups, as well as established industry.

    18 Sep 2024

  • Meet iMatrics, a spin-off from Linköping University that’s changing the game in text and data analytics. As the first Swedish company in our Scaleup Launchpad program, iMatrics helps publishers build sustainable digital business models with the help of AI. With expertise in Applied Mathematics, AI, and Machine Learning, they're now looking to expand into the Finnish and Estonian markets. Their unique ability to analyze text in any language makes them stand out, and they’re excited to grow their network and business through the program.

    16 Sep 2024

  • In 2012, the company Significant Bit was founded in Norrköping by two brothers who had previously worked as developers at a large B2B agency. Since then, the innovative company, now known as the slightly shorter SigBit, has grown steadily and has now developed Orbit, a tool that revolutionizes how organizations visualize and interact with their data.

    29 Aug 2024

  • Norrköping has recently been the focus of an extensive data collection project utilizing advanced technologies. The data, collected by various entities, will play a central role in developing digital twins of our cities, enabling improved urban planning and research across multiple fields.

    28 Aug 2024

  • Vi är just nu i full gång med att genomföra en studie på uppdrag av Energimyndigheten med målet att främja internationaliseringen av svenska tillväxtbolag inom logistik och transport. Vårt fokus ligger på att förstå bolagens behov och utmaningar för att hjälpa dem expandera globalt. Vi söker efter företag inom sektorn som kan bidra till och dra nytta av en omfattande kartläggning av den hållbara logistikvärdekedjan i Sverige.

    22 Aug 2024

  • With over 20 years of experience in material science, scientists at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at Campus Norrköping, Linköping University, founded n-ink in 2020 with a mission to rethink electronics. Today, n-ink has grown into a team of eight, and in a few weeks, they are moving into their new facility in Norrköping Science Park.

    19 Aug 2024