Breakfast with Business Sweden

On December 9 we will get a digital visit from Anders Bohman from Business Sweden, who works to help Swedish companies grow global sales. During a breakfast he will tell us ...


TEDxNorrköping har under flera års tid levererat en mängd olika, högintressanta, föreläsningar inom en rad olika ämnen. På grund av covid-pandemin har vi dock sett några års uppehåll men nu ...

Backbone of green city logistics

The change is inevitable, especially considering the predicted growth of e-commerce. According to Swedish Trade's report, e-commerce is projected to make up to 31–40% of total retail trade in 2030. ...


Aero EDIH is driving the question regarding how we can accelerate and facilitate development of SMEs within the future aerospace industry as well as drive societal and business impact through ...

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