Printed & Organic Electronics

Home of Organic and Printed Electronics – HOPE

HOPE (Home of Organic and Printed Electronics) is an accelerator for companies in the field of organic and printed electronics, setting the stage for a new green industry in Norrköping.

Summary of Home of Organic and Printed Electronics – HOPE

HOPE is an EU-funded project aimed at accelerating the growth of small and medium-sized companies in the field of organic and printed electronics, setting the stage for a new green industry in Norrköping.

Would you like to know more about Home of Organic and Printed Electronics – HOPE?

Eva Eriksson
Project Manager
Printed & Organic Electronics

What's new in Home of Organic and Printed Electronics – HOPE

Printed & organic electronics

With world-leading research as a basis, it is not surprising that Norrköping produces companies on a regular basis that are also at the absolute forefront. Norrköping Science Park plays a coordinating role here.